Get InvolvedOur mission statement expresses the intent of our staff and loyal supporters: to provide Christ-centered programs, excellent facilities and generous hospitality. We depend upon the commitment of many people to make the ministry of camp happen. Here are ways you can be involved.
Financial DonationsOur budget is funded in part through program fees and user fees; and about 19% of the operating budget comes from donations. We could not provide the services and facilities we do without the help of our committed constituency. Make a donation now!
Volunteers We would not be able to continue this ministry without the dedication of many folks throughout the year. In addition to persons providing leadership or spiritual input, we also need help with simpler duties that vary from help with laundry to office tasks and anything in between. Click here for more information. Camp Needs/Donations in-kind Another way to be involved in the ministry of camp is to be on the lookout for things we might be able to use. For instance, next time you're at the post office to buy stamps, pick up an extra roll for the camp office or purchase gas cards to send our way. If you have household items in good, usable condition, let us know. If you have a special skill--we might be able to put you to work repairing, replacing or constructing something new. Follow this link for more information. |